Sofa Spuds History
Unique historical facts you may or may not have known - about people, places and food!
27 episodes
Boats and Hoes Pt1
TATER TOTS! It's been a long time and for that, I apologize. I think I can speak for us all when I say that it has been a banana bonkers past few years. I hope you can forgive us and enjoy this episode with a special guest - one of...

The Poison Squad!
Hey Tater Tots! It's been forever, but we're still here. Enjoy this episode about the Poison Squad and find out what's in your peanut butter!----------------------------SOUNDSTRIPE END-USER COPYRIGHT LICENSE AGREEMENTSubject to your...

They Ate What?!
TATER TOTS! Happy 25th episode! We're so glad to have you here with us, listening to our random ramblings. Hey, quick question - do you have Borax under your cabinet? What about old milk in the 'fridge? Did you know that individuals used to add...

Tu Good To Be True
Tater Tots! Do you have a green thumb? A long while ago, there was an insane market for tulips. That's right - the flower. If you happened to own one, well..you could've found yourself wealthy if you traded or sold it in time. Check out this ep...

*DISCLAIMER* Jess, here. I wanted to apologize, some of my sound quality the past few episodes has been quite poor. I'm unsure what is wrong with my mic, but I aim to fix it ASAP.Tater Tots!Do you love potatoes as much as we do?...

Napoleon vs. Bunnies
Hey Tater Tots!Join us as we consider the connection between the killer rabbit from Monty Python and the bunny battle Napoleon dealt with, due to an ill-planned game hunt. Also, you can laugh at my traumatizing Easter stories from my ch...

When Bears Outrank You
Hey Tater-Tots!Wifey & Wifey are back together again, bringing you a very light-hearted story. Have you ever heard of a bear that was trained as a soldier? Maybe in like, LOTR or The Hobbit, right? Well, this was real life.J...

Bonus Episode: Hey, Daddy-o!
Tater-tots! You're in for a special treat! (At least we hope so). Come and join Wifey Lyn and her magnificently rad dad as they wax nostalgic and snort over really awful jokes. We'll be back again soon with our regular history episodes, of cour...

Alcatraz, Part II: The Occupation
So, tater-tots, this is part two of our two-part Alcatraz series, where the Wifeys discuss the Native American Occupation of Alcatraz. We're so happy to be sharing this history with you and so happy that the stories are there to tell.Th...

Alcatraz, Pt. 1
Hey Tater Tots! Join us for our first two-part episode about Alcatraz, one of the most famous prisons in the country. I know most of us have all seen The Rock and Shawshank Redemption, portraying fictional characters breaking out o...

Tater tots, we are so grateful to you for your patience and understanding. So grateful, in fact, that we've given you a special minisode!!! Come and listen to Wifey Lyn and her special guest host Richard as we goof around in the world of Hollyw...

Hey Tater Tots! Ever hear about Project Mincemeat? Join us in learning several of the gory details that make this military project rather fascinating. It's pretty wild! Send us an email! Say hi! Ask us a question! We l...

Diogenes and Baklava
Hey, Tater Tots! Better... late than never...?We'd love it if you took just a bit of time out of your day to listen to us talk about one of our favorite anarchists - Diogenes. And, of course..one of our favorite desserts..Bak...

Hey Tater Tots!This episode is a bit longer as we brush against some points from the Jonestown tragedy. Please note that this episode speaks of suicide, child death and captivity, as well as cults and other topics that can ...

Colonel Sanders
Hey, Tater Tots! Do you love chicken? So do we. Lyn watched the new Lifetime movie about Colonel Sanders love interest. I did not. I refused to watch it - the thought terrifies me. Listen in while she tells me about it, though. Bas...

Yule Lads!
Tater Tots! Happy Holidays! Explore the mystical myth of the Icelandic Yule Lads and their shenanigans in the coming days before Christmas.Also..fruit soup? We've never heard of it! But we want to try it. It sounds good.And also...

Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-De-Ay
Hey, Tater Tots! Ever wonder about that guy, Tarrare? The one that couldn't stop eating? This song was, in fact, about this guy. He ate so much and never gained any weight! Metabolic condition? Who knows. Join us on our journey, le...

Unsinkable Sam
Hey, Tater Tots! Hang out with us while we talk about one of the luckiest cats in the world!...Or, at least, luckier than a lot of cats that have been on boats. A cute little tuxedo kitty traveled the world...and had some trouble. We also go in...

Emperor Norton I
Hey, Tater Tots!Have a listen and learn about a very interesting individual, Emperor Norton I of the America. What? Yes, really. Kind of. It's a heartwarming story from a fellow in the 1800s in San Francisco, who won over the hearts of ...

Agatha Christie!
Hey, Tater Tots! Do you like mystery? We dive a bit into the mysterious disappearance of Agatha Christie. We know the irony, and that's why we wanted to know! Also, learn about an interesting consumable item that Agatha enjoyed almost obsessive...

The Boston Molasses Flood
Join us while we discuss the tragic history of the Boston, MA Molasses Flood. We honor those killed by this horrific event caused due to the negligence and corporate greed. It isn't all bad, though - we do turn it around and talk a...

Join us on this weeks bizarre journey! Learn about biting and meowing nuns (no, no..different convent), laughing epidemics, the truth? behind the Salem witch trials, and more! Rye whiskey is the drink of choice to go on this wild ride.
Season 1
Episode 6

Happy Samhain/Halloween/All Souls/All Saints Day!!! Join us in learning about a few of the fascinating stories behind this beloved holiday. We wish we could have gone into more details, but let's face it... there's just too much. We may end up ...
Season 1
Episode 5